Study of Land Use Change Using Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing Techniques
Subject Areas : Remote sensing and biogeography
Mehrdad Khanmohammadi
Maryam Haghighi khomami
Mohammad panahandeh
Mahsa Abdoli Laktasaraei
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2 - عضو هیات علمی
3 - عضو هیات علمی
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Keywords: Remote Sensing Boujagh National Park Changes Detectionland cover land use Landsat,
Abstract :
Indeed, protected areas, national parks and biosphere reserves in general, are the natural heritage of each country. Therefore, knowledge of their changes plays an essential role in management of these areas. Remote sensing is one of the most advanced and effective technology for monitoring environmental changes and resource management. The purpose of this research is to detect the land use /cover changes in Bojagh National Park in Guilan province during 2000-2017. For this purpose, the images of ETM+ sensor from the landsat 7 were taken in the year 2000 and the images of OLI sensor from the landsat 8 were taken in the year 2017. After applying the necessary preprocessing on the images, the training points were selected for each user class in sufficient number and with appropriate processing then, the land use / cover map was produced using the supervised classification method with maximum likelihood algorithm. Using the Overall accuracy test and Kappa coefficients, accuracy of the produced maps was determined. The results of the study indicated that the areas of the sea, grassland and the areas of the waterbody parts has decreased and the areas of the agricultural, marshland, man-made, woody and bare lands users show an increase during the study period.
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