Molecular Markers in Conservation Biology Studies
Subject Areas : environmental engineering
Nafiseh Momeni
Mohsen Ahmadpour
1 - Department of Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Fisheries and Environment, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran
2 - Research Center for the Caspian Region, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
Keywords: Molecular marker, Conservation genetics, Environmental Conservation, wildlife, ,
Abstract :
Introduction: Molecular science has an important role in the conservation and stability of animal species. Biology conservasion is essential to identify populations decline to implement adequate restoration programs. Despite molecular developments, there are many studies in this field to better understanding molecular merkers. Objective: In this study, the genetic markers were examined that were used in more than 100 Persian and English articles. Materials and Methods: Sources were selected from studies in the field of conservation biology, biology, molecular ecology, molecular markers and other related topics to provide a clearer model of each marker usage in the field of conservation biology. Results: In general, each molecular marker is not limited to one case, but there is a clear relationship between the characteristics of each marker and the maximum usage in many cases. Discussion: However, selecting the adequate marker in a wildlife conservation study the following steps are suggested: 1) study the species 2) Check the problems scale 3) Characteristics of molecular markers. Also, considering the mutation rate and the variability degree among nuclear and mitochondrial markers has a role in selecting of adequate marker. But in order to obtain accurate genetic and ecological information in conservation biology, the principles of population genetics and molecular evolution require more comprehensive education; By comparing molecular results with other sciences and quality control of the sequenced gene, more reliable results were obtained in the field of genetics and conservation.
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